Questions for discussion by the panliests 

Dr Shobha

  • Why young people identify themselves with smoking / tobacco use?
  • What are the measures taken at sub national and national level to protect children and young people?
  • Youngsters say, when the elders say don’t do something, they just want to do it, How to change this kind of mindset in young people ?

Dr Pushpanjali

  • How can we protect the young people from being identified with smoking /tobacco use?
  • What are the measures taken at international level to protect children and young people?
  • What are some of the oral health implications of smoking?

Dr Sahayaraj

  • Tell us more about nicotine addiction?
  • How does nicotine affect the brain and other parts of the body?
  • How easy it is to quit smoking, what are the benefits of quitting  and what are the challenges to quit?

More than 200 1st year students of legal studies participated in the panel discussion  for about 1 1/2 hours